Firms or Independent Contractors (recipients of IRS Form 1099) that provide support to businesses of all sizes and in all sectors, such as law, accountants, architecture, engineering, management consulting, and creative or technology services.
Immigration assistance service is any business providing any form of assistance for a fee or other compensation to any person on immigration matter.
Every individual, partnership, association and corporation doing business in Philadelphia must file a Business Income and Receipts Tax Return in whether or not they earned a profit during the preceding year. Rental activities are usually considered business activities.
An Activity License is required for all businesses and non-profits operating in Philadelphia. This includes businesses that are located outside the city limits but do some or all of their business activity in the City.
If you're starting a home-based business in the City of Philadelphia, consider the following.
The Business Income & Receipts Tax (BIRT) is based on both gross receipts and net income. Both parts must be filed. This is a completely separate tax from the Net Profits Tax.
The Net Profits Tax (NPT) is levied on the net profits from the operation of a trade, business, profession, enterprise or other activity.
Every individual, partnership, association and corporation doing business in Philadelphia must file a Business Income and Receipts Tax Return in whether or not they earned a profit during the preceding year. Rental activities are usually considered business activities.
An Activity License is required for all businesses and non-profits operating in Philadelphia. This includes businesses that are located outside the city limits but do some or all of their business activity in the City.
This license is required for installers and owners of large outdoor signs, such as billboards.
This license is required for having large outdoor signs, such as billboards. The license does not apply to accessory business signs.
The Philadelphia Zoning Code regulates development within the city. Zoning regulations govern land use, the height and size of buildings, population density, parking requirements, signage placement and the character of development on private property, and property uses.
Every individual, partnership, association and corporation doing business in Philadelphia must file a Business Income and Receipts Tax Return in whether or not they earned a profit during the preceding year. Rental activities are usually considered business activities.
An Activity License is required for all businesses and non-profits operating in Philadelphia. This includes businesses that are located outside the city limits but do some or all of their business activity in the City.
Your Employer Identification Number (EIN) is a nine-digit number issued by the IRS to identify your business and the type of tax returns you file.
All Philadelphia employers must apply for a business tax account number from the City so you can begin withholding taxes.